The Sci-fi Hero of Our Dreams
- Original: 한정현, “우리 소원은 과학 소년”
- Published in Issue 15 of Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture (2022. 07)
Wanna hear a fairytale?
Sure. Does it have a princess and a witch and a prince? Does
the prince save the princess?
No. This story doesn’t have a princess or a witch. A prince, not
even a trace.
Then who’s in it?
Someone with a face that’s half woman, half man.
- Original: 한정현, “소녀 연예인 이보나”
- Published in Korean Literature Now Vol. 58 (Winter 2022)
On that day when Hee stepped onto the ritual blade, dressed in Soon-ok’s most cherished garments, all Soon-ok said was, “Those clothes suit Hee better than me.” Indeed, Soon-ok was hardly surprised as she watched Hee dance. During her studies in Tokyo, the theaters of Asakusa often starred actors dressed as women and actresses as men. Even Bae Gooja’s ticket to fame had been her role as the protagonist in Little Lord Fauntleroy.